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Computerised Accounting

QuickBooks, Tally & Sunsystems

  • QuickBooks Training

A hands-on training course on QuickBooks Accounting software, including setting up a new company and chart of accounts; recording transactions with customers, vendors and employees; managing lists; running reports and customizing them; changing forms and generating letters.

  • Tally Training, ERP 9

A hands-on training course on Tally Accounting ERP 9, including setting up a new company and chart of accounts; recording transactions with customers, vendors and employees; managing lists; running reports and customizing them; changing forms and generating letters.

  • Sun systems Training 

A hands-on training course on Sun systems Accounting, including setting up a new company and chart of accounts; recording transactions with customers, vendors and employees; managing lists; running reports and customizing them; changing forms and generating letters.

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