Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Manager Job at Palladium
About the Organization
Palladium is in the business of making the world a better place, and we believe that collaborative models and systemic approaches are the way to achieve progress and success.
Job Description
The focus of the project is to implement a Climate Smart Jobs (CSJ) program, focusing on Northern Uganda as part of the UK's International Climate Finance commitment. CSJ Component One is a part of the CSJ program, and its objective is to support large-scale job creation in the agri-business sector, aiming to improve productivity and/or incomes in agricultural sector. The program will seek innovative, technology-based solutions to address challenges faced by agriculture in Northern Uganda, promoting sustainable land management practices and climate adaptation, and job opportunities. The program is funded by the UK's International Climate Fund and is building on the UK-funded Northern Uganda - Transforming the Economy through Climate Smart Agriculture (NU-TEC) program. CSJ Component One consists of two components: Component 1A, which is a market systems development intervention, and Component 1B, which will run a challenge fund called the "Uganda Climate Innovation Fund." 1.2 Overall requirement CSJ recognises that gender equality and social inclusion are critically important. CSJ creates Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) action plans that are unique to each Work Package (WP) with these WPs being delivered by market actors. Prior to WP identification and design, contextual dynamics and constraints around GESI are researched and GESI is embedded in all areas of our work so that no one is left behind. GESI interventions developed are unique to each of CSJ’s initiatives; there is no broad, all-encompassing GESI strategy for all WPs; instead, bespoke GESI Action Plans are developed for each of the WPs, and these are well adapted in real-time under the guidance of the GESI Manager.
Duties and Responsibilities
Support the core team on key deliverables, including design of research, GESI mainstreaming over all programme’s WPs, Concept Notes evaluation, etc.
Coordinate with implementation team to ensure efficient processes and prevent overlap/find synergies.
Lead on the development of WP GESI Action Plans and support the implementation team and market actors to take full ownership.
Review key activities within WP workplans to ensure GESI mainstreaming.
Work with the Market Managers (MMs) and Intervention Managers (IMs) to ensure that all WP theories of action and monitoring plans include GESI sensitive and specific indicators.
Work with the Evaluation, Results and Learning (ERL) Manager to ensure that the Results Framework includes GESI sensitive and specific indicators.
Support ERL Manager to generate evidence around beneficiaries (disaggregated by GESI targets) accessing/deriving benefit from CSJ interventions.
Conduct targeted, short trainings or mentoring sessions with key project stakeholders where there are identified needs or requests.
Support project stakeholders as requested to adjust activity to be more GESI responsive in relation to specific context or operational changes.
Take part in Sprint Cycle Reviews, Quarterly Strategic Reviews as well as Annual Reviews Support engagement with the private sector that includes recruiting women, refugees and PwDs in business as mentors for female/refugees/PwD aspiring entrepreneurs.
Support CSJ partners to develop basic safeguarding systems skills.
Provide technical assistance and provide quality assurance of partners implementation of safeguarding strategies.
Create and oversee marketing collaterals, awareness campaigns, roadshows etc. for knowledge dissemination about improving GESI in Climate Smart interventions.
Coordinate and ensure effective reporting and communications for all GESI and safeguarding interventions. Other tasks as agreed with DTL (Technical) and or Team Leader.
Qualification, Experiences and Competencies
Deep understanding of the gender, social inclusion and equality including safeguarding landscape in Uganda, and in particular in the North.
Knowledge of and existing relationships with private sector actors, development actors, relevant public sector/government actors in Uganda, including within refugee camps and host communities in Northern Uganda and Kiryandongo.
Demonstrable experience providing strategic input to GESI reports, as well as advising and providing guidance to others to enable them to enrich their own GESI inputs.
Expertise and demonstrable experience delivering effective training to program teams, to improve their capacity to think and work inclusively, and build GESI approaches into their everyday ways of working. Outstanding oral communication and workshop facilitation skills.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should apply by submitting their cover letters, CVs along with the contacts of three professional referees to ug_info@swisscontact.org and copy suzanne.oweka@swisscontact.org.